When should you eat Pho?

In Vietnam, Pho has traditionally been eaten as a breakfast dish. This might in part...

Calorific and Nutritional Analysis of Pho Source: Calories-info.com

Protein in pho soup A typical portion of Pho soup has 6.14 g protein per 100g. When...

How do you pronounce Pho?

Pho (more correctly written as Phở) is actually pronounced “fuh” with a rising and enquiring...

Can I make Pho at home?

Absolutely. There are many good recipes on the internet including some that include shortcuts. To...

Is Pho gluten free?

Yes, most Pho are made with rice noodles and are naturally gluten free. But please,...

What’s the difference between Pho and Ramen?

Pho is a Vietnamese noodle dish with light herbal broth and rice noodles whereas ramen...

Can Pho be vegetarian or vegan?

Yes of course it is possible to make vegetarian or vegan Pho. In Vietnam these...

What’s your favourite Pho joke?

What do you get when you mix a bowl of Pho and a joke? A...

What are the different types of Pho?

Within the soup Pho category the different Phos are typically sorted by stock base (beef...