Pho is best known as a Vietnamese noodle soup that typically consists of a clear beef broth, rice noodles, herbs, and thinly sliced beef. Other ingredients including bean sprouts, lime wedges, herbs, chilis and sauces are often served on the side, allowing diners to customize the flavor and spiciness of their soup.

Pho is one of the most popular street foods in Vietnam. Its heathy ingredients and preparation are also making Pho increasingly popular around the world.

The word Pho actually describes the rice noodles but has also become synonymous with the noodle soup dish as a whole.

Did you know that there are also many other types of Pho than noodle soup Pho?  At MamaPho we have carefully researched the traditions of Vietnamese Pho and have selected the most authentic dishes and preparations to offer our customers a much broader and Pho-tastic experience!

Other types of famous Pho include Wok-fried Pho, Dry Pho, Crispy golden Pho puffs and Pho rolls. Come to the Home of Pho at MamaPho and try out all these types of Pho.

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